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Saturday, March 28, 2020

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How many loot llamas are in a game?

Remember, only 3 lamas spawn per game. Red color means most Llamas found, and blue the least Llamas found.

Can you have 2 fortnite accounts on Xbox?

How to merge Fortnite accounts on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Epic Games has finally made it possible to merge your multiple accounts on Fortnite. That means if you made two accounts on console, you can link them and access your cosmetics and V-Bucks from one account.

How much money does Ninja make a day?

Ninja confirmed in an interview with Forbes that he earns $3.50 for every $4.99 Twitch subscription. For over 188,000 subscribers, that's a whopping $658,000 per month at the very least.

Is TikTok safe for 11 year olds?

Common Sense recommends the app for age 16+ mainly due to the privacy issues and mature content. TikTok requires that users be at least 13 years old to use the app and that anyone under the age of 18 must have approval of a parent or guardian -- but there are plenty of young tween users.

How long should a 16 year old play video games?

Video-gaming consumed nine weekly hours for teens, the Kaiser survey found, while a Harris Poll conducted for Gentile during the same period reported 13 hours a week spent gaming on computers and consoles. While some kids can shoot 'em up for hours, for others, too much time gaming leads to poor school performance.

Can 9 year olds play Roblox?

For these reasons, Ms. Foster regards Roblox as unsafe for children under the age of 12 and possibly older children as well. As part of Family Zone's many helpful features, we can block Roblox from your children's devices, without blocking other games they may be allowed to play.

Can Minecraft give you a virus?

Beware of Viruses and Malware Always make sure that you are downloading Minecraft from the official website (Click here). Otherwise, it is very likely that you will download some sort of virus. Do NOT download the game from any website that is claiming to be giving it away for free or is a 'torrent'.

Is Roblox a ripoff of Minecraft?

Roblox was made released 2006. So that means that Roblox is not a ripoff of Minecraft, and if you want there to be a ripoff, Minecraft is a ripoff of Roblox. But these games are really different when you look, so there is probably no ripoffs happening between these too games.

What does BOT mean?

BOT means "Back On Topic" So now you know - BOT means "Back On Topic" - don't thank us. YW! What does BOT mean? BOT is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the BOT definition is given.

What does a fortnite BOT mean?

Fortnite will add 'bots' to help players improve. Epic's “new matchmaking system” means players will be more likely to be in games with players of similar skill. The v10.40 update will be slowly rolled out through different regions across the core battle royale modes.

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