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Monday, July 13, 2020

Fortnite: How to get V-Bucks without buying them in the shop

V-Bucks are due to purchase the chic skins in the Fortnite: Battle Royale item shop on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You don't necessarily have to spend money to get the in-game currency. We'll show you how to get V-Bucks for Battle Royale mode for free!

I wonder how I can get V-Buck for free in Fortnite. Without holding your wallet in hand, you will be glad to know that this is possible. Of course, provided you take into account that it will take some time. After I have clarified this, I will talk to you in detail in this manual about the available solutions. With a little effort and perseverance, you can achieve the goal you set.
So if you want to learn more and can't wait to get started, sit back and read the instructions I'll give you in the next chapters of this tutorial. You will see that if you put the advice I am going to put into practice, you can get the V-Bucks without spending a euro or almost. At this point I have nothing else to do but wish him good reading and, above all, have fun!

What are V-Bucks? V-Bucks are the real money currency in Fortnite. In PvE mode, you can use them to buy llamas that contain various items that will take you further in the game. In Battle Royale mode, V-Bucks are required to buy cosmetic items.
As a pure Battle Royale player, it is not easy. V-Bucks can hardly be earned through normal gaming. The Battle Pass drops a few V-Bucks, but if you don't pay a Bucks for the pass, the amount is minimal.

Play Battle Royale

As mentioned in the previous chapter, Fortnite plays the main method of getting V-Bucks without spending a dollar.
Indeed, play free mode Battle Royale, which offers PVP battles with other players in the last standing man mode, you can upgrade your account and get the rewards of the different season levels. For example, at the time of writing this manual, you will get 11-level you can get 100 V-Bucks free while the other 100 V-Bucks get you to 34-level. Rewards are available for free at Delivered across levels and changes as stations die.

It must also be said that if you want to get a larger number of V-Bucks to upgrade your account, you need to spend money and buy the Battle Pass or Battle Pack. Yes, these are additional services that not only allow you to expand your account faster but also offer bigger rewards if you pass the different levels.
The Battle Pass and Battle Pack cost 950 V-Bucks y 2,800 V-Bucks each and can be purchased directly in the game using the menu. Battle Pass is located on the Lobby screen. The prices shown may vary in the case of discounts.

Play save the world

Another useful solution to get V-Bucks is to play Mode Save the World. However, what is paid ( € 39.99 ) and is only available on Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
That being said, if you want to use this solution, even if it is not completely free (and therefore you have already bought it ( save the world )), you will be happy to know that there are several ways to use V-Bucks. The first of these simply involve daily registration.

Then it starts Fortnite Log in to your device and once you have reached the game's home screen, log into your account to receive the daily reward V-Bucks. You can also get a small additional amount of V-Bucks every 7 days after login.
You can get V-Bucks even daily bets. These are missions that can be accessed from the menu. Tasks for which you have to perform certain tasks, e.g. B. destroying objects. However, please note that only 3 tasks can be activated at the same time.

Fortnite: Prices to buy V Bucks in the shop for PC, PS4, Xbox One

You can buy the skins, gliders, and harvesting tools with real money, but in many cases, this is quite expensive. So a legendary skin burns for 2,000 V-Bucks or the equivalent of 20 euros a neat hole in your wallet if you buy V-Bucks in the shop for real money.
The prices are included
  • 1000 V-Bucks (10 euros)
  • 2800 V-Bucks (25 euros)
  • 7500 V-Bucks (60 euros)
  • 13500 V-Bucks (100 euros)

You can also earn V-Bucks free of charge by playing for the Battle Royale mode - but only via detours.

Get V-Bucks for Battle Royale for free through Fortnite's PvE mode

The PvE mode costs (still) money, but offers a lot of free V-Bucks!
To earn V-Bucks that can be spent in Battle Royale mode, you need to play the PvE mode "Save the World". This is currently still subject to a fee, but Epic will make the PvE content available free of charge in 2018.

Unlike V-Buck sources that eventually run dry, the following methods are consistent and will remain until Epic should patch or change them.

Method 1 - Earn V-Bucks through Daily Quests

What is it about? The easiest way to get to Bucks is through your daily missions. Each daily gives you 50 V-Bucks. There are also certain bonuses if you complete several missions in a certain area:
  • 3 Plankerton missions: 60 V-Bucks
  • 3 Bru Valley missions: 75 V-Bucks
  • 3 Twine-Peaks missions: 100 V-Bucks!
Just farm the Daily every day, you won't do anything wrong.
Here's how it works: Ideally, you make your dailies every day. If you don't have much time, it is enough to gamble for a good hour every three days and see that you complete three missions. The "Daily Scouting" mission should be re-rolled if possible because it takes a long time and costs you valuable time.
So if you only play “Save the World” to earn Bucks for Battle Royale, you will get the best results here.
This is the result: If you pull your dailies effectively, you can tap 50 V-Bucks an hour on average. Up to 1,500 V-Bucks per month are possible.

Method 2 - farming events

What is it about? In Fortnite: Save the World there are events alongside the regular quests. You can select them on the main screen. There you will find a quest line with a story that gives you rewards for each milestone. Among them is V-Bucks.
Events take a bit, but they also add a few bucks.
Here's how it works: You just work your way through the event quests and collect the bucks when they come. However, each event quest takes about 2 to 3 missions, which takes a long time. Therefore, event questing is only worthwhile for people who enjoy PvE mode a little or who are interested in the story of Fortnite.
This is the result: A complete event offers you around 300 V-Bucks.

Method 3 - Complete limited missions

What is it about? Every 6 hours (and therefore 4 times a day), special, time-limited missions appear on the map. In addition to valuable resources, there are also 30 V-Bucks from time to time as a reward.
With the special limited missions, you can scoop bucks three times a day.
Here's how it works: Choose the missions that V-Bucks give and see that you complete them as quickly and effectively as possible. Ideally with friends or teammates, then it is faster and you can accomplish the mission easier.
This is the result: You can only collect rewards for 3 such missions per day. Therefore, the maximum yield is 90 V-bucks a day. You can earn 2,700 bucks a month if you do it consistently.

Method 4 - Dust daily login reward

What is it about? Every day you get a reward when you log in. This can include V-Bucks.
There are also funny llamas to smash!
Here's how it works: Login and dust off the following V-Buck sums after the first 70 days:
  • Every 7 days: 150 V-Bucks
  • Every 28th day: 300 V-Bucks
  • Every 112th day: 800 V-Bucks
That's the result: By persistently logging in, you get 3,500 V-Bucks in 112 days. It is slow but productive.

So you can dust off at least a few V-Bucks

You can also farm V-Bucks in PvE mode using the following methods, but they are unfortunately not available for unlimited use. At some point, these sources of Bucks run dry.
  • Challenge missions also bring 50 V-Bucks, but there are rewards only available up to level 10
  • You can scoop off the milestones in your collection book. You can earn 500 V-Bucks here. Record everything there that you have or don't need twice. In addition to the V-Bucks, you also get llamas, construction plans and resources
  • In larger story quests, you can even earn 100 V-Bucks - these are the storm shield defenses

Using the different methods, you can quickly get a decent amount of V-Bucks, which you can exchange for cosmetic items in Battle Royale mode - without spending a single cent (except for the game, of course)!

Beware of fraud

Before I leave you, I would like to give you some quick recommendations and advise you to be careful with third-party websites that promise to be able to give them Haut y V-Bucks free

As Fortnite developers themselves said on Twitter, you should be careful with websites that recommend clicking the links to get free skins and V-Bucks. These are scams or attempts to defraud. In this regard, I recommend that you never enter Fortnite 's email address and password on unofficial websites.
If you have any doubts about the reliability of a website, check the presence of the HTTPS protocol in the address bar, which is identified by the closed green padlock symbol, which guarantees the authenticity of the page visited. The protocol in question makes it possible to distinguish a real site from a fake one and ensures the encryption of the data inserted therein.

Check the web reputation

If in doubt, I would like to remind you that if you discover a fake website, you can use websites like TrustPilot to check your web reputation. Tabata connects to the website in question, enters the URL of the identified website in the internal search engine, and presses the Search button to get user feedback as a result.
Don't forget to protect your Epic Games account by enabling two-factor authentication to increase the level of security. Link it with a one-way code that you can get by email or through an application, e.g. Google Authenticator for Android and iOS.

To do this, connect to the Fortnite website and log in to your account. Then click on your username located above and press the Account item in the menu that appears.
Then go to the Password and Security section and choose whether to enable two-factor authentication via an app ( Activate the Authenticator application ). Or by email ( activate email authentication ). In both cases, you will be shown all the steps that must be carried out to complete the configuration.
If you have problems with your account or think you have been the victim of a scam, I recommend contacting Fortnite Technical Support: linked to this link and click the Contact button located in the top right corner, to contact Epic Games technical support.

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