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Friday, August 14, 2020

Is A 2 Kd Good In Fortnite

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Is 2.5 A good KD?

And if you can't go for the objective and keep a decent KD you suck. 1.8-2.0 is pretty good. 2.5 is very good. 3 is beasting.

Does KD matter in fortnite?

Technically, no, not really. People like to obsess over numbers, but Fortnite doesn't have any incentive for playing better or getting more kills. That being said, you do get more XP when you get more kills, so it "matters" because you level up faster.

Is a .8 KD good?

Below 0.9 is bad. 1.0-1.5 is good, 1.5-2.0 is good, 2.0-2.5 is beastly, and above 2.5 you can carry a terrible team single-handedly.

Is a 1.04 KD good?

Having a good KD doesn't always mean that person is a great player. Some people just get their KD up in objective games and others just aren't team players at all. 80-1.00 is average and anything about 1.00 is good. If you at least have a 1.00 KD it means you're killing more than you're dying.

Who has the highest fortnite KD?

KD Leaderboard

Is a 1.2 KD good?

In all honesty KD usually means nothing as long as you are in the 1.2/1.3 range. That's like an average and solid positive KD. I would say if you could hold a 1.5/1.6 then you, atleast according to KD, are pretty damn good.

What does a 2.0 kd mean?

Kill-Death Ratio is a term used to define how many kills a player gets before they die each time they spawn. A K/D ratio is kills divided by deaths. k For example, if a player gets 10 kills and 5 deaths in a given game, they have a 2 K/D ratio.

What is the highest KD in Call of Duty?

K/D Ratio Leaderboard

What does a 0.5 kd mean?

it just means you have 1 kill for every death. A 0.5 K/D isn't that bad at all. It just means you have 2 deaths for every kill. Anything between 1 and 0.5 is perfectly fine.

Does leaving count as a death warzone?

Call of Duty Warzone Exploit: No Kill If Player Leaves Before They are Actually Dead. Meanwhile, another issue appears to the game that when someone kills a player and that player leaves the game before death, it counts as no-kill. This ruins the gaming experience while you're playing a battle royale game.

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